Reclaim your health and fitness by starting with this 30 min. Total Body Workout. Whether you are returning to the gym, at home, or traveling, our Total Body Workout will get you moving while burning up to 500 calories per session. All you need are dumbbells or resistance bands and a stopwatch or interval timer to complete our workout. Beginners will require 5 – 20 lbs. of resistance, while intermediate to advanced people will require 10 – 40 lbs. of resistance. We have also included 6 dynamic warm-up movements that will get your heart rate up and prepare you physically for the workout. This workout can be performed 2-3 times weekly with at least one day of rest between workouts. This workout can also grow with you as you become stronger; moving from beginner to advanced movements, duration, and resistance level. Challenge yourself each session to push harder and dig deeper. Your results are waiting…you got this!